“I was going to show you off. Not that anyone actually knows who you are. Supernatural‘s not exactly popular.” – Becky
Not much could top seeing superfan99 again (it’s a toss up between Chuck and the Ghostfacers, I suppose), but seeing her as Sam’s bride was definitely a one-upper. As soon as I saw the recap montage, I figured it would be Becky as the bride, but it still didn’t take away from the unbridled glee that Sam oozed, and the cynical snark that is oh so Dean.
We’ve seen it before, but I have to mention how well Jared Padelecki does comedy. These two guys get all the props for their dramatic acting, and well they should, but it’s got to be hard to come off as real when you’re telling Becky that her notebook filled with “Sam loves Becky” doodles is beautiful. That was some stellar straight face.
The authenticity I was looking for last week started to creep back in with this episode. The buddy talk between the boys at the end acknowledged the last couple of seasons and the fact that Sam has done some growing up, and that he’s still got a “Denver scramble” up in his head. Now that Sam has told Dean he can take care of himself for a change, I’ve got a question: Will Dean even know how to take care of himself? I think he’s been hiding behind his responsibilities for so long that he doesn’t know who he is. I don’t think the booze and burgers and bar bimbos are really what Dean needs, but it will be interesting to see how he handles his empty nest syndrome, so to speak.
That leaves us with the story arc of the Leviathans and Crowley’s little confession that he’s been backing off of the boys so that they can take care of the Leviathans. It’s no surprise that Crowley is a coward, but he’s got to help the boys at some point in this little venture. He’s got a stake in it, after all, and the boys will remind him of that. It actually helps to answer another question I had from last week, about how the boys will be able to defeat the Leviathans without supernatural help. Crowley practically just laid out the red carpet.
This and that:
Not the best episode but a lighter tone is welcome right now. I guess some fans are objecting to the portrayal of pathetic fan Becky, but she did end up saving the day. And I agree that the boys are fantastic comedians, Dean’s reaction shots were gold.