Liz is back Guest Clacking for us again, after sharing her thoughts about why Nikita should be saved last time.
The episode opens with Team Nikita trying to buy some nuclear device triggers, so Percy can’t get his paws on them. It also features Nikita in an amazing swimsuit and Michael in way too many clothes, while Alex and Sean are outside to confirm the merchandise. But all too soon Team Division (which includes Brendan Fehr, whom I have fond memories off from Roswell) are on the scene so Team Nikita aborts. Nikita and Michael take out Koong and his guards, but Team Division shoots Sean and gets away with the triggers.
The team retreats to their safehouse. Sean’s hurt, but needs time to recover; Alex volunteers to take care of him. Ryan points out that Percy can’t yet build bombs because he needs casings. But unlike the triggers they have no idea where there are. Ryan suggests they go straight to Kendrick, newly installed CIA director to get the intel. Nikita thinks this is a horrible idea.
Nikita remembers a previous meeting of Kendrick with Percy, and she believes he’s dirty. Ryan worked with Kendrick and thinks he’s okay. Michael thinks the risk is worth it. Nikita, it’s not as if you’ve never rushed into things without proper intel, so stop acting like this is a new thing. Oh and Kendrick just had a pacemaker put in — they mention it twice. Just in case it’s important later, maybe.
Ryan ambushes Kendrick (in a nice way, but the dude has a pacemaker and Ryan did come back from the dead; they’re lucky Kendrick didn’t Drop Dead then!) at a restaurant men’s room. Nikita shows up anyway, and distracts Kendrick’s bodyguard.
Back at the ranch — wait a second, weren’t they in Germany with Koong? Did they seriously bring Sean with a bullet in his gut back to the US? … Moving right along. … Alex is adorable taking care of Sean. It turns out Nikita bugged Kendrick on their way out and Kendrick immediately proves Nikita is right by calling Percy.
Kendrick attempts to set an ambush for Ryan, which Nikita decides to counter-ambush: if she assassinates Kendrick, all the agents there will be Division. And hopefully local law enforcement/FBI will kill or arrest some Division people in the confusion? I’m a bit uncertain of her actual plan beyond the making-Kendrick-dead part, but anyway, she is quite fierce about it and the rest of them are too chagrined that Kendrick’s a bad guy to complain.
As Nikita and Michael head to the rendezvous, Team Division gets marching orders from Percy, and Team Alex stays back to deal with a cute drugged Sean, who admits that Alex is pretty amazing.
Ryan and Birkhoff figure out what Kendrick’s mention of “Black Sands” to Ryan meant — Kendrick is under duress. He has a Division kill-switch implanted near his heart. Michael and Nikita hustle Kendrick undergroud to try to short out the kill-switch through some improbable technical shenanigans.
Michael faces his former protégé, mano a mano, and proves the teacher is still better than the student, while Nikita works on Kendrick. Unfortunately Sonya traces the signal and before she can maybe hide it, Percy sends a team to attack the safehouse.
Team Alex escapes but blows up the place behind them. Sean and Alex make out in the back of the car and it is great. I hope it doesn’t mean Sean’s toast soon, because that would be very sad.
Team Nikita meets in Ryan’s safehouse, where Kendrick is glad to be free and helpful. Nikita and Michael look over their growing brood with satisfaction. Meanwhile Percy makes it clear to Roan that he’s after something different than building a bomb.
Favorite quotes and pretend words of the episode:
Lingering Questions:
I liked how this episode showcased that now Nikita has a team. She’s a team leader.
I really hope Nikita gets renewed :)
I really love the chemistry between Alex and Sean. They’re really great together and I’m hoping they show more of this twosome. I want them to really get involved romantically just as Michale and Nikita are. Sean and Alex are adorable and I love Sean’s personality – they’re perfectly matched and please don’t let anything happen to them. Alex needs someone like Sean and Sean needs Alex. The show is wonderful and I’m loving each and every episode. Crossbow and Homecoming were both thrilling to watch and we need more kickass shows like this, especially with a woman like Nikita calling the shots. Love this show and looking forward to watching Season 3. Keep those great episodes coming.