CliqueClack TV

House – Scary dreams, sex dreams and crushed dreams

The 'House' writers really know how to ruin a fun episode by dropping a bombshell like that at the last moment. Let's focus on Chase and Park, shall we?

- Season 8, Episode 18 - "Body and Soul"

“Relax, I’m a doctor. Your spectacular breasts mean nothing to me.” – House, as he walks in on Wilson doing a patient’s breast exam

It astounds me that the House writers can still come up with such great stuff after all these years. As far as the case of the week goes, it was fascinating and I love that they didn’t definitively know whether the medicine or the religious ceremony cured the kid. My favorite part of the weekly cases, though, is how they connect to the team’s lives. The question as to whether or not dreams mean anything was pretty fun.

House had a sex dream about Dominika and floss, which House thought represented Dominika’s green thong, yet Wilson interpreted as guilt for House not telling her about the INS letter. Why, oh why, did House keep lying after the warning dream? It would be a miracle if House could use forethought before he went and sabotaged a relationship — and Dominika really was perfect for him. I’ll be anxious to see if she comes back or if the bombshell that was dropped at the end of the episode will take over the storylines … I will not put a damper on this review by mentioning it!

Chase and Park stole tonight’s episode though. Park’s sex dream about Chase gave House fodder for torturing her, but the real gem was Chase’s dream, which brought us this quote:

“I want you to treat me like a friend … which means getting over the fact that you like me more than I like you.” – Chase
“Yeah, egotism and preening really turn me on.” – Park
“Too bad I’m not attracted to androgyny and self-pity or you’d have it made.” – Chase
“Because anyone that hasn’t gotten wet from your petri dish of STDs clearly has low self-esteem.” – Park
“Bitch.” – Chase
“Dick.” – Park

The way they resolved what the dreams meant, with their conversation (and Park’s subsequent gas) in the elevator, was just perfect. He’s pretty, she’s weird, but they connect and trust each other. When Chase decided to mentor Park at the end of “Chase,” I could never have imagined how their relationship would play out. It’s been a pleasure watching these two get closer, but I honestly hope they stay platonic because a sexual relationship at this point would feel too contrived.

This and that:

  • “My watch must have stopped. Apparently it’s already never.” – Wilson, after earlier telling House that they could continue their conversation about his sex dream never
  • I did not ruin the fun of this episode by mentioning Wilson’s cancer in the main body of the post. Curse them! If you want any spoilers about the last four episodes, all you have to do is look at the titles and synopses of the episodes and read between the lines. … If we thought it was bad when Amber died … hoo-boy.

Photo Credit: FOX

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2 Responses to “House – Scary dreams, sex dreams and crushed dreams”

April 24, 2012 at 5:39 PM

Oh Chase and Park. They are great. I’m not really shipping them, but on the other hand I do kinda think it’d be hilarious if they actually did get together just because it’d subvert the constant message, unique to American television, that pretty people can only love other pretty people. And hey, since it’s the last season, they’re free to do the really crazy stuff without too much fallout. And in America, a “not pretty” woman landing a hot guy is downright shocking. Quotes because the fact that our culture can actually refer to someone like Park as “not pretty” with a straight face merely because she doesn’t look like Miss Doctor Barbie, coughAdamscough, is another weird thing, but whatever.

I kind of saw Wilson’s announcement coming. He was acting weird, and also that whole thing with people thinking House was sick earlier in the season got me thinking that it might have been a bit of foreshadowing. The titles of the last four eps don’t bode well for Wilson, but they could be misleading, so you never know.

May 12, 2012 at 12:55 PM

House has been an interesting, fun, crazy, informative show. Much like the well – liked ” MASH ” series of the 70’s through early 80’s. I must admit that the up & down, off & on love affair between House & Cuddy made me lose interest, because, well, shouldn’t a show set in a hospital deal with MEDICINE ? I’m all for character development, but I think ” HOUSE ” lost some of its focus, & maybe just a bissel of its mojo, even though it’s been a quality show for Fox.

Wilson has cancer ? Wow. He’s always seemed like a nice guy with a lot of weight on his back, & Gregory House’s curmudgeonly attitude doesn’t help very much. House is a dynamite ” Sherlock Holmes ” of a doctor, but he’s the LAST person I’d come to for a friendly / sympathetic ear, supportive shoulder, etc.

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