CliqueClack TV

Person of Interest – Interviews with EPs Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman

'Person of Interest' executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman sat down for interviews at San Diego Comic-Con to discuss the second season.

Executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman sat down to discuss Person of Interest while attending San Diego Comic-Con last month. They discussed where the show will pick up in the season two premiere and why the show succeeded when other high concept shows failed last season.

Here are some of the topics they discussed in their individual interviews:

  • The information society.
  • Where the show will pick up in season two premiere.
  • Shift in the show — tell story of the week, relationship between characters, and characters and the machine.
  • Realism about the premise. Paranoid?
  • Why Person of Interest succeeded where other high concept shows haven’t worked (liked Awake).
  • Will Reese feel guilty for Finch’s kidnapping?
  • Carter and Fusco’s dynamic now that they know about each other



Photo Credit: Carla Day

One Response to “Person of Interest – Interviews with EPs Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman”

August 10, 2012 at 2:06 PM

Thanks, that was AWESOME.

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