CliqueClack TV

Lost Girl – Bo spends some time with the Dark Fae

On this week's 'Lost Girl,' Bo learns about the Dark Fae when she takes a case for the Morrigan. She and Lauren also get closer. Why do these things make for a less-than-exciting episode though?

- Season 2, Episode 6 - "It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away"

Zoie Palmer and Anna Silk

The Dark Fae get some screen time on this week’s Lost Girl as Bo spends some time helping the Morrigan, who turns out to be an agent for artists. It’s nice to take a break from Dyson-angst this week and fun to learn about the Morrigan (whose name is Evony!) and the Dark Fae. It turns out that the Morrigan’s fae power is to inspire artists, but eventually they turn crazy because of it (Kenzi likens this to rock stars who have lost it which I guess explains this week’s punny title).

Beyond the insight into the Dark Fae, though, the case of the week was pretty rote — it was clear to me early on that Bianca the beleaguered assistant was behind whatever was going on. Basically, the Dark Fae keep screwing each other over. How is that different from the Light? But the Morrigan’s brand of wise-cracking amorality is fun to watch. It was also fun to see Kenzi, apparently a street artist whisperer, interact with that world. But that’s about it; there were even fewer fun wisecracks this week.

Despite the lack of Dyson, romance is still in the air for Bo as she and Lauren get closer. This was predictable enough, and while I wish the show would step away from Bo’s romantic life a bit, it’s nice to see girl-on-girl action on TV. Naturally, though, there is an obstacle in the form of a girlfriend named Nadia whom Lauren is trying to save; she  seems to be in some kind of fae life support over in Lauren’s Light Fae lab. Finally, at least, we learn that this is the hold The Ash has over her. Well, even if I prefer that the show focus on Bo and Kenzi’s friendship, if we have to have romance, at least it’s starting to go somewhere.

Notes and Quotes

  • We learn that the Ash sees humans as pets. Also, there is a cryptic reference from Lauren to “what is left of the Light Fae elders.” Again, how exactly are they better than the Dark? Or is Lachlan screwing everything up? Or were we never meant to see them as better than the Dark? Even so, they should be different at least, but right now I am not seeing it beyond Bo having some cool  Light Fae friends. Maybe the point is that only Bo can see that it’s all really apples vs. oranges?
  • Dyson report: holed up with his lady friend Ciara and thus MIA. That’s okay. I don’t mind the character, but I don’t miss him this week either.
  • The Morrigan on things we would like but can’t have: “And I would like a dragon to heat my pool.” Ugh, this probably means dragons existed at some point in this universe. Where  is Daenerys Targaryen when you need her?
  • The Morrigan to an artist who doesn’t want to resign: “Sweetie, your career had a serious case of ED before I took you on.”
  • Kenzi: “You live on the street as long as I did, you meet a lot of riff-raff-and they ALL think they’re artists.”
  • Tryst on Jason: “When he first hit the street, I was his Artful Dodger, always keeping him out of trouble.” Bo: “You never read Oliver Twist, did you?” Tryst: “Maybe. What kind of stuff he write?”
  • Bo: “Man, if I step in one more pile of rancid filth … why can’t street artists paint in a park, or in a spa?”
  • Vex when asking for Bo’s help: “You bring him to me so I can question him, and I’ll see to it that a very large sum of money makes its way into the pockets of your tight, tight pants.”
  • Hale can cure hangovers! Now that IS a super power.
  • Kenzi to Lauren: “If you hurt my best friend again, one day in the  future anthropologists will find your skeleton in an unmarked  grave with a massive, massive life-ending blow to your head from a totally awesome chick that rhymes with ‘frenzy.'”
  • The Ash, on seeing Bo and Kenzi’s apartment: “I love what you haven’t done with the place.”



Photo Credit: Syfy

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