CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Shock the monkey with a kiss

I won't be surprised if there isn't some uproar about the smoking monkey in the episode. Amy Farrah Fowler only talked about it before. Tonight we saw it. Uh-oh.

- Season 4, Episode 21 - "The Agreement Dissection"

Oh my. The Big Bang Theory has returned from its mini-season of repeats with a smoking monkey, a kiss, and an inebriated girls night out. Not only that, but we witnessed history: We saw Sheldon dance. But, was it a “good” episode? That’s the question.

Now, to be honest, every episode of the show entertains me. However, some more so than others. This one fell kind of in the middle for me. Why? It’s that alcohol crutch used once again. I really think they use it much too much in the story lines. It’s as if they need it to take the characters out of the nerd box and into the silly box.

That’s not saying silly isn’t funny, nor do I have strong feelings about alcohol outside of driving while intoxicated and mean drunks. I’d just like to see them come up with something else now and again. There has to be some way to explore the characters or have action without constantly getting drunk to achieve the results. Sigh. Maybe it’s just me. What do you think? Is the alcohol-induced silliness used too often?

Then there’s the Priya/Leonard sex fling romance. Although I haven’t been too keen on that, it was perfect for tonight’s episode. It’s about time someone took Sheldon to task for that roommate agreement! Why Leonard, who obviously makes an okay living, would sign such a thing we’ll never really know.

But we know why he signed the newest version created tonight! Blackmail! Blackmail created by … Amy’s bout with the bottle. Everyone knows the skies would crash onto the sacred cows in India if Priya’s parents found out that lily-white American science boy Leonard was dating her. But it could be worse. It could be Howard!

What made me giggle this episode:

  • The dancing. So, Sheldon had to attend a Cotillion where he learned the social graces and ballroom dancing. Who woulda thunk it? Neither Sheldon nor Amy are ready for Dancing With the Stars, but it was a fun bouncy cha-cha kind of waltz!
  • The waltz humming in the cab.
  • Leonard going all gangsta as Priya was tearing apart the roommate agreement bit by bit.
  • The smoking monkey blowing smoke on Sheldon although I thought he’d react more strongly about it.
  • The entire Greek food on pizza night coup d’etat.
  • Amy kissing Penny then later singing “I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It” to Sheldon’s dismay.

There were also some great lines tonight:

  • “Yoohoo, please. The name literally beckons.”
  • Sheldon: “I’m nothing if not adaptable.” (Yeah, right!)
  • Sheldon: “The mean Indian lady made me eat lamb!”
  • Amy, offering to use the monkey to shoot a poison dart into Priya to kill her: “We’d get away with it. Everybody loves monkeys!”

The Sheldon and Amy kiss wasn’t much more than a child’s first kiss. But maybe it’s a start. If they have coitus, they might have to hide the monkey in the closet.

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Shock the monkey with a kiss”

April 28, 2011 at 9:56 PM

The smoking monkey was explained in the vanity card right after the episode (basically, CGI).

April 28, 2011 at 11:02 PM

However, the poor creature is a heroin addict! :)

April 29, 2011 at 1:41 AM

Just watched this show. The monkey is def. charlie sheen! What a low blow!!

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