CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – The return of Priya

Any woman or girl who has an older brother can identify with Raj being overprotective of Priya. I went through it. Of course, I didn't make wanton lusty love with Leonard Hofstadter. Yet I still ignored my brother's forboding, er, forbidded, er ... forbidding any iffy behaviors on my part.

- Season 4, Episode 16 - "The Cohabitation Formulation"

Raj’s sexpot, yet highly intellectual sister made a return appearance in tonight’s episode; it made me stop and think for a minute. I recalled Howard hitting on her first. Perhaps I remember Howard first as he’s the one usually hitting up on women, albeit not-so-much as of late. After all, he and Bernadette are back together once again. Well, maybe. Anyway, it was Leonard whose previous sex romp with Priya crushed his heart, defeated his soul and all those angsty kind of things. So how did things go this time around?

I’m not overly optimistic about Priya and Leonard becoming anything more than Smitten Leonard and Sex Kitten Priya. Call me cynical, but she’s probably just going to have the “dance with no pants” and crush his soul once again. Of course, there is the ineffective and ignored Rajesh Block. Obviously, if something was going to get serious, he’d be ignored and ineffective.

Yet, they do get together in bed and Leonard once again is smitten with the kitten. Penny (who mooched both pizza and Thai food tonight) was handling things fine until her bestie, Amy Farrah Fowler, decided to help console her. I’m still buying into Amy’s tried and true deadpan delivery. Mayim Bialek is definitely perfect for the role. She’s more android than Sheldon could ever hope to be!

The other intertwining story — after not having a second story last week — had Howard’s Big Dilemma. Bernadette, rightfully so, got irked because he was always running home to his Mother after they were together. Move in with her in her place? Get a new place for the both of them?

Well, we all know Howard won’t leave his mother until she dies. Then he’ll turn the mattress in the big room and have his own love den! Howard’s relationship with his Mother was just too much. Sure, he puts her wig and eyebrows on for her. But she does everything for him as if he were a pubescent boy. Bernadette refuses to be his mother. He ended up returning home, promptly getting grounded for “running away.”

I enjoyed this episode more than last week’s, but it wasn’t up there with the greatest of all time. Out of the characters, it was Amy Farrah Fowler whose lines were the biggest hit with me, along with the way she fell for Priya in her own way. No, not in a lesbian bestie way! I’m also tempted to go through my list of friends and rank them. I fear I have more tertiary friends than any other kind.

What did you think? Should Priya stick around? Is she just going to use Leonard again, them dump him along the roadside?

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – The return of Priya”

February 28, 2011 at 12:55 AM

I personally can’t stand her!! she’s so uppity and annoying. bring back the old Big bang theory please!!

March 22, 2011 at 2:06 PM

I agree with both things you said. Even Raj whispering to Howard is better than an episode of Raj standing there and saying “I forbid it” as his only lines.

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