CliqueClack TV

Frakkin’ Clack – One BSG theory I would have liked to see

Battlestar Galactica ship

Ron D. Moore’s latest podcast is up for last week’s episode, and it’s full of behind-the-scenes stuff that is much more interesting for true fans of the series than casual ones. He goes into a lot of the background for the characters of Helo, the Eights and Starbuck, and the actors who play them. You can tell from the mood of the podcast that Moore’s starting to fill us in on some of this information because he’s got three podcasts left in him (unless he splits the last one up), and this is good stuff to include — he might not have time to add this kind of info, should the remaining episodes be filled with too much to cover.

As things wind down, the one theory I liked all along (that I thought up myself, though I’m certainly not alone nor likely the first) is that the true “final” Cylon is, in fact, Galactica herself. I highly doubt this will be the case, though it’s a revelation that, if done right, could make a lot of sense.

True, the 13 models of Cylons were humanoid-based, which should rule the Galactica out altogether, right? Well, Moore has put in a teeny loophole here that could actually introduce Galactica as a possibility. We still have this mysterious “Daniel” Cylon, who Moore basically said is of no further importance. Could it be that he didn’t really mean that, to throw us off the scent? What if this Daniel isn’t humanoid anymore and is instead part of that primordial goo that Tyrol had his engineers paint Galactica’s guts with?

One reason I liked the idea of Galactica having a bigger role in the story of this show is because Moore would simply LOVE that, all along, the answer to one of the show’s biggest mysteries was staring everyone square in the face the entire time: in the show’s title. Also, think of this: if the stars were aligned, so to speak, for the final five (and the other Cylons) to all be aboard the Galactica so that they survived the annihilation of Caprica, then why did those stars align to also choose a Battlestar that was due to be decommissioned? Could it be that it was part of “the plan” all along?

There are more pieces of the puzzle that fit too. Like I said, it’s an unlikely scenario. However, if this was one of the show’s final reveals, I wouldn’t be caught off-guard.

Oh, and as far as what else was mentioned in the podcast, we don’t really learn anything more about Boomer’s intentions, such as whether she was acting for herself or Cavil’s interests. Just refer back to an interview on the episode with one of the writers, Bradley Thompson for some rather obvious insight: “How do you escape from a fully armed base ship?”

Photo Credit: Sci Fi

15 Responses to “Frakkin’ Clack – One BSG theory I would have liked to see”

March 3, 2009 at 5:58 PM

The idea that the galactica herself is the final cylon is an intriguing one. But how could it be explained that cylon raiders have been firing on her for these past years? Maybe the goo does indeed play an activating role. A commenter at tvs brought up an interesting point about that music coming from the walls (as we all know) that only the cylons can hear….so that part does fit. Intriguing.

March 3, 2009 at 6:23 PM

” We still have this mysterious “Daniel” Cylon, who Moore basically said is of no further importance.”

I have been giving this some thought actually. I know that many are convinced that Starbuck has a major affiliation with Daniel (Father/Daughter or Is Daniel). It may be a fine notion, but I’m not married to it.

I keep reading that the nature of Starbuck will not be clear – example:

More on the “does Starbuck get closure at the series’ end?” question. Katee Sackhoff, herself, says Starbuck does actually get the much-needed closure. But she adds that even after the finale airs, some people will still think Starbuck is a Cylon: “I’m just going to go ahead and let them believe what they want because there’s nothing I could say that’s going to convince anyone otherwise,” Sackhoff said. “And, the funny thing is, I can honestly say that at the very end of it, people are still going to think it. There’s always someone out there that thinks that she is.” [L.A. Times]

I read over and over that the end will be open to interpretation as to whether all this can be explained by reason or faith.

I guess that people’s opinions will differ depending on whether they Believe or Deny the Supernatural. Since I am a Believer myself, I am tending towards explanation of Kara by Faith or Supernatural.

I remember Kara said to the Piano Man, “Your gonna have to learn to play that thing if you want to be an immortal composer.” Then the Piano Man busted out something beautiful in response.

I guess what I want to say is that the Piano Man might not be “Daniel” Kara’s father. The Piano Man might be THE IMMORTAL COMPOSER (One True God) and Kara the Angel Daughter Aurora.

I could be all wrong, and things are changing fast, but if indeed much is left to interpret at the end, I like my interpretation!

March 3, 2009 at 6:30 PM

You may be onto something there.

-Leoban in the head during Maelstrom said that he wasn’t actually Leoban.
-We still have no logical reasoning for Kara’s pristine viper (let alone her new body…. oooooh theres a thought. Did Cottle ever compare xrays of Starbucks multiple hand breaks after she came back?)

With last weeks inclusion of the “Felgercarb” toothpaste one more re-done piece from the original series got placed. And what is the one major thing from TOS we haven’t seen yet be redone? The ship of lights.

March 3, 2009 at 6:46 PM

I would “like” to think that her new body was cleansed of old damage (and pain), don’t know though.

Oh the Ship of Lights. Yes! Yes please! Those fabulous white clothes were lovely. It seems like a hard concept to pull off and still give an ambiguous impression.

Have you read any SOL spoilers?

March 3, 2009 at 6:49 PM

Well, we have theoretically seen the ship of lights in the show already. In one of the opera house scenes apparently on one of the walls is a painting that looks very very similar to the ship of lights.

Spoilers? Haven’t heard any. I’ve been actually avoiding as much as possible any spoilers for the end of it all.

March 3, 2009 at 6:25 PM

Oh not this theory again. Sorry Keith, but I have been hearing this one for years and I roll my eyes at it every time. Only 2 of the four happened to be on the Galactica at the time of the genocide. Ellen was killed and then reborn and placed on board the fleet by Cavil. Anders was on the planet (although I do call into question the coincidence of him being high altitude when the nukes came.) I can’t explain Tory other than being lucky.

As for the Big G herself, she got lucky. No extra “divine intervention” or such needed. The real question that needs to be asked is why did Doral arrange for Lee to be on the ship. That’s the question that bugs me. Hopefully ‘The Plan’ will fill in those details because I don’t expect the next three episodes to do so.

As for “how do you escape from a fully armed baseship?” I seem to recall a certain Athena, Hera and Caprica Six doing just that and that wasn’t part of any grand plan.

March 3, 2009 at 8:03 PM

It is a very pretty shot of the ‘ole girl at the top of the post, but I’m with everyone else… Galactica as a Cylon is just weird.

March 3, 2009 at 8:47 PM

Actually, I wouldn’t mind if certain themes were left “open for interpretation ( as mentioned in bsgfan’s post), as long as the important storylines and plots are realisticly and thouroughly executed. We could then fit the story to fit our wishes. We would almost expect it given the depth and complexity of this show. When Starbuck found her body in the viper on Earth, how long was her body supposed to have been dead? X amount of years, or since she left on her last galactica mission? The significance and origin of her new ship (and return) is one of the isssues that perplexes me most. Maybe her viper is the ship of light. I think one or two of you already thought of that though.

March 3, 2009 at 11:29 PM

The significance and origin of her new ship (and return) is one of the isssues that perplexes me most. Maybe her viper is the ship of light.

I think you just nailed it Tim. I have been wrestling with how RDM was going to work in the SOL and not make it cheesy. That works 100% for me.

March 3, 2009 at 9:10 PM

The Felgercarb toothpaste nearly made me do a spit take!

March 3, 2009 at 11:29 PM

This might help explain why the music that “the four” heard at the end of season 3 appeared to be coming from the ship :)

March 4, 2009 at 8:48 AM

I hate to be a drag, but if you’ve listened to Moore’s podcasts in depth then you realize they don’t have a “plan”…at least not one that goes past a handful of episodes forward. He’s said that consistently throughout the years.

They are making this stuff up as they go along. All of the “what ifs” are really a waste of time unless everyone stops trying to tie all the threads together that weren’t designed to go together in the first place. Instead we all should start looking for “how can they explain this away” type explanations for the gaping holes in plot, continuity and overall story arc.

After all those are probably the same questions the writers are asking themselves.

March 4, 2009 at 8:57 AM

Oh I’ve listened to them, and I definitely know that this original “plan” from the early episodes is pretty much out the window. He’s even sorta gone on to say that he shoots himself in the foot and needs help with his team to clean up the fragments, like with there being 13 Cylons. I didn’t use the word “plan” to mean it was part of the story all along, though who knows, maybe it was?

Like I said in my post, I doubt Galactica will be a Cylon. That’s why I titled the post “would have liked to see,” as in, it won’t happen but it would have been neat.

March 4, 2009 at 11:56 AM

I understand that a lot of people wanted to see the series end this year, as to get condensed quality episodes. But I still wish they had let it run at least one more season. There are SO many areas that could have been fleshed out with quality material. I know, I know….we’ve hashed all that out before….but I’m just saying…. (one of Dorv’s expressions).

March 4, 2009 at 8:15 PM

If my friends frequented this website like yours do, they would be laughing all day for that one… I’ve been known to get email that say only “I’m just sayin’…”

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