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Harper’s Island


TV on DVD for September 8th

Premiere week doesn’t stop the flow of DVDs. This week we have another bunch of the current shows releasing season sets, including Fringe, The Office, Criminal Minds, Important Things with Demetri Martin, and Parks and Recreation. There are also a couple one and done shows, as the complete collections of Harper’s Island and Worst Week […]

by Brett Love

Harper’s Island, you can enjoy the 13 hours of my life I won’t get back

When the last couple of minutes of last weeks Harper’s Island rolled past last Saturday, the first thing I wanted to do was write out about how horrible the ending was. Fortunately for our readers, Keith and Debbie had the responsibility for posting their thoughts first. I got to wait a couple of days and […]

by Ivey West

Ratings Clack – Huge numbers for the King of Pop…

… and very tiny ones for the King of Gilboa. And,  if we want to carry on with that little game, very good numbers for the King of the Courts. It was another fairly typical summer week. As has been the pattern, FOX was the big winner in the demo, taking 5 of 7 nights. […]

by Brett Love

The Week Ahead – Earth almost dies, Eureka, Entourage, and a tribute to Billy Mays

Where the hell have I been? How have you been watching television without me? I worked up this elaborate excuse to justify the absence of this column over the past several weeks including reanimated raccoon corpses and a bizarre Bollywood musical number but I burned myself on a smoke bomb and I feel too lame […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – The return of Valentine means Kings can beat something

On the whole, it was a rather uneventful week of ratings. The most interesting story might have been what we didn’t see. As in, new programming on CBS. Despite the lack of anything of note to report in the ratings (even Harper’s Island was a repeat), CBS managed to average the most viewers on six […]

by Brett Love
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