CliqueClack TV

Glee – Five reasons why Rachel and Finn shouldn’t get married

It was no surprise that Mr. Shue finally popped the big question on this week's episode of 'Glee.' I mean, finally! But there were a couple of other surprises tossed in ...

- Season 3, Episode 10 - "Yes/No"

I’d like to say the buildup to Will’s/Mr. Shue’s proposal of marriage to Emma (that we all knew was going to happen someday) on Glee wasn’t up to my expectations. I’d like to. But dang if that speech he made to her at the swimming pool after the huge synchronized swimming number just didn’t appeal to the thirteen year old girl romantic that seems to reside in my body when I watch this show. Reasons? The white tux on yummy Matthew Morrison. The fact that he not only walked on water but swam to her as well. The roses and old time 1930’s feel to the whole glee club performance beforehand. All leading up to the aforementioned speech before he got down on his knee. Happy sigh from me and I’m sure all you other suckers for swoony words and phrases out there.

I’m certain that you were also cheering right along with me at the fact that Coach Beiste eloped with her beloved Cooter. (Gee. That sure sounded dirty. Sorry.) It’s good to see her character experience some joy for once. And what a surprise that Finn got “the bug” and offered Rachel a ring! (Please don’t say yes, Rachel. You’d make Finn most miserable. See my comments below.)

Yep. It seemed like love was everywhere this week.

Unfortunately (and especially in high school) relationships don’t always go as planned. We saw a beautiful acting job by Lauren Potter (Becky) to illustrate that. In fact, she almost stole the episode, in my opinion. How heart wrenching was it that Becky is trapped in a “hadicapable” (as she describes it) body that thinks in an eloquent British accent? How good was she in the scene with Sue after being rejected by Artie? I’m saying Bravo to her, and to the writers who treated the whole subject honestly and gently.

Now though? I must get snarky. Obviously we are back to the show focusing on Lea Michele (Rachel) again. Although she is so uber talented I could throw up! I’ve found it a relief over the last several weeks not to have to endure her strange painful expressions while she’s singing. And the tears.

I think we’re in agreement that Rachel’s character is a pain in the ass. So while I could believe that Finn asked her to marry him at the cliffhanger, here’s five reasons why those two taking the plunge is a huge mistake.

1.) Finn is a very nice guy. Rachel is a selfish and vain twit. She also has a mean streak, and will eat him alive.

2.) I was “super in love” in high school too. I thought my guy was the sun and the moon and we’d be together forever. We grew apart and five years later he was living with a man in New York City. My point? Kids don’t know jack at that age. They’re way too young to even think about marriage. (Please pass my dentures.)

3.) Rachel would be the Bridezilla from Hell. Can you imagine her planning a wedding? Yeesh.

4.) Finn is just confused right now about where his life is headed. He’s being rash. He’s upset over finding out his Dad didn’t die a war hero’s death, but a drug addict’s one. Major decisions he doesn’t need to make!

5.) I just could not take the schmaltz that would ensue. I know I said I’m a romantic, but even have my limits.

What do you think?

Should Rachel say yes?

And did you like the songs on this week’s episode? If you did, you can click on the links below and help out CliqueClack at the same time. Thanks in advance!


Photo Credit: FOX

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15 Responses to “Glee – Five reasons why Rachel and Finn shouldn’t get married”

January 18, 2012 at 9:05 AM

Tara, I totally agree with your reasons for them not to get married. Definitely a big NO. I think back to who I thought was the love of my life in high school and just shake my head!

January 18, 2012 at 7:30 PM

Don’t get me wrong Toni, I adored my high school boyfriend who my Dad kept telling me was gay. I don’t regret it one bit. I obviously just was clueless back then. Which I don’t think is out of the norm for a seventeen year old.

January 18, 2012 at 9:31 AM

Oh, there’s no doubt that they should stay very far away from mariage.

But I disagree on Lea Michelle. I love watching her perform (Including … nay, specifically the outlandish facial expressions). I’m not always so hot to trot on Rachel in particular, but I’m a big fan of the actress).

And, I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about Coach Bieste’s arc this year that I don’t like. I like what they did with her last season, but not so much this. Though, admittedly, I can’t put my finger on why.

January 18, 2012 at 7:33 PM

My only complaint about Coach Bieste, Ivey, is that I just don’t see enough of her!
And talking about putting fingers on things? I can’t figure out why I started in loving Lea Michele and now she makes me snarl a bit. Maybe it’s all the Streisand similarities, which the show has completely pushed on me.
Streisand gives me a rash.

January 18, 2012 at 8:34 PM

I don’t know, care, or think about Babs enough to impact :P

January 18, 2012 at 3:54 PM

See I think she SHOULD say yes. Then we could watch the fall out of one or the other realizing they’re not ready and backing out.

January 18, 2012 at 7:34 PM

The fallout would go back and forth infinity times over until we were all gagging.

January 18, 2012 at 7:47 PM

Becky. Loved the parallel line they took when Artie was turned down by that odd new girl because he’s in a chair … Then, he eventually letting Becky down easy … Will almost listening to Emma’s parents and seeing life as difficult with someone with her nearly disabling disorder.
I admit to crying not during the proposal, but as Becky walked away and later found comfort from Coach Sylvester.
And my son can’t get enough of the Moves Like Jagger mashup.

January 18, 2012 at 8:25 PM

I’m the only pro-finnchel here? :3 I think she should say yes, but I also don’t think they should get married right away. Rachel is a very…. focused and logical girl when it comes to her career, and getting married is something that might put a hindrance on said career. Also, Finn and Rachel are very different, and opposites attract. Don’t know exactly if opposites are meant to last forever. But what makes them work is that they are each other’s best friend. I love the whole super romantic teensie stuff that goes on with them, all the drama and shidazzle. Altho, to counteract my own argument, they already broke up once, and if they keep breaking up and getting back together then that, for me, is a clear sign that they won’t last.
I agree with Ivey West about Bieste, I liked her better in season 2. They’ve made her way too… slap-stick for now. Before she was a tough mama when it came to her job as a coach, but very soft and quite feminine when it came to her colleagues and emotions. Now all she’s interested in is benchpressing weights and being all ‘manly’. From season 2 I would have thought that if she received any male attention, she’d be careful but very open. I mean Shoe kissed her in one episode and they went out dancing and singing.

January 18, 2012 at 8:25 PM

Egads! If this is what they do for MLK Day, what will they do for Valentine’s Day? The Wedding(s)?

Eww! Ick! Now I have the mental image of Streisand as a high school Glee Club member! Pre-nose job and still spelling her name Barbara. You don’t think she called herself “Barbie”, do you?

Rachel should say no, definitely. [I also have the mental image of you as Grace, now. Not flattering.]

January 20, 2012 at 7:02 PM

my wife works with the developmentally disabled, and it’s clear that one of the head honchos on this show has personal experience with the DD. Sue’s relationship with Becky is her most redeeming feature. The British accent was fun – who among us is not surprised to hear how we really sound when our voice is recorded – instead of how we hear ourselves speak inside our heads?

January 23, 2012 at 3:30 PM

Did anyone realize that was Helen Mirren doing Becky’s inner voice?! I knew she was going to be on the show at some point, but never knew it was going to be like that. Brilliant!

As for the episode, the Grease opening was unnecessary. If they had to do it, did it have to be shot-for-shot from the movie?! The rest of the episode was better. I have to say my favorite thing this season, and in this episode in particular, has been the re-humanizing of Sue. I love her interaction with Becky, and the shoulder to cry on moment at the end was lovely. It was also great that she was part of the, to borrow a phrase from another show, “rose ceremony” as part of Will’s proposal. Whodathunk Sue would ever willingly, happily cooperate with Will on anything, especially something as personal as a proposal? Loved it.

As for Finn and Rachel … there has to be some reason to keep them on the show after graduation now that the spinoff is dead. But would Rachel really be happy staying in Ohio married to an auto body repair shop manager? The bigger concern is how are they going to keep these people on the show and in what capacity next season?

February 7, 2012 at 1:38 PM

Some people *like* an homage like that.

And I THOUGHT that was Mirren, but kept going “no, that can’t be.”

February 7, 2012 at 1:50 PM

The problem with the “homage” was that it went with nothing else on the episode. It’s not that it wasn’t well done, I just don’t think they set it up properly. It could have started as a normal conversation that turned into a fantasy piece. To me, it was just out of place … if they were doing a Grease themed episode, then it would have made more sense (not that anything on Glee ever needs to make sense, but sometimes context helps).

February 7, 2012 at 12:53 PM

I am married to my high school sweetheart, we had 17 when he fell in love and this year we do 10 years together, we have a daughter (3 years) and a dog. Rachel may have a career and love.

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