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The League – RIP Ramona Neopolitano: Fake wife, real cappuccino machine

A lot of funny stuff happened in this episode, but we got to see Pete be accidentally heroic and Ruxin be apologetically horrible. And Taco predicts how his friends will die, to the delight of me.

- Season 2, Episode 11 - "Ramona Neopolitano"

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I’m really questioning the Ruxin storyline. We’ve known for a while that his wife (played nicely by My Name is Earl‘s Nadine Velazquez) is gullible, but who would so easily believe that their husband had a secret dead wife? That being said, it was a nice touch that Sophia seemed to be just as angry about Ruxin naming his “wife” after Kevin’s cappuccino machine as she was about the lie itself. I am honestly wondering if the fight will carry over to the next episode.

The League has gotten some strong guest stars in the football world and it was fun to see John Hansen and Adam Caplan of Fantasy Sports Radio on Sirius play themselves dealing with Kevin. Having his daughter call in when he gets banned from the show is a new low, but it is damn funny to watch that not-so-smart 6 year-old dig her father deeper into that hole. On the other side of the coin, it’s nice to see something good happen to Pete when he accidentally rescues his company’s executive while desperately attempting to get to a working computer and set his lineup. It’s a tough week for Andre fans, since he not only got out of the running for the Shiva Bowl, but also grew manboobs thanks to an excess of estrogen.

My absolute favorite part of the episode came from Taco, which isn’t surprising because his storylines are always great. There was a fun narrative in the obituaries he wrote for his still living friends. I’ve compiled them so we can share in that strange man’s vision:

  • Kevin’s: “Kevin McArthur died in 2014 outlived his wife by three years. He leaves behind a daughter and a brother who saved the world from terrorism… He was a ranking slave, with a weak sex drive. His inability to trust his own judgment is what killed him in the end. His #1 ranked GPS led him off a cliff.”
  • Pete’s: “Pete (no known last name), died in 2071. He loved to watch TV.”
  • Andre’s: “After his manboobs came in, his penis disappeared. In 2014, he died of ovarian cancer.”
  • Ruxin’s: “Rodney Ruxin, born in 1982, died in 2010 from multiple stab wounds inflicted by his non-fictional wife Sophia.”

Photo Credit: FX

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