CliqueClack TV

PodClack – Episode 14: MegaClack, part one

Jay Black joins Christy T., Charles Kuski, and our own Kona Gallagher in this week's podcast.

Welcome back to another episode of our PodClack podcast. Make sure you tune in and make your friends tune in as well!

This week, comedian Jay Black joins joins Christy T. to talk about Lost and more; Charles Kuski on the college perspective on Lost; and our own Kona Gallagher joins the PodClack for the first time.

Every week (or almost every week), Brian does a TV guide keyword search based on a word someone leaves in a comment here, so sure you leave a word for Brian’s next movie look-up!

Please keep the comments coming and let us know what you think. Got suggestions? Questions? We’d love to hear ‘em! Make sure you get everyone you know to subscribe to the PodClack in iTunes (and rate us, please!) or via some other feed — we feed Jay’s ego a careful diet of traffic numbers and subscriber count, so let’s not let that sucker die of starvation.

Thanks for listening!

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee, CliqueClack

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8 Responses to “PodClack – Episode 14: MegaClack, part one”

June 3, 2010 at 6:27 PM

Posted on iTunes just in time for me to listen to on my train ride home so thank you for being the voices in my ears blasting out the baby crying a few seats away.

Let me start by giving you a warning as a full time resident at the Jersey Shore: NEVER COME HERE ON MEMORIAL DAY. EVER. It does sound nice to cool off at the beach on your day off, but it isn’t when a few million other people have the same idea. Also 90% of those people are a-holes who overuse hair gel so the water is probably oilier than the Gulf of Mexico. I went on Memorial Day for the 1st time in 5 years and it was the worst beach experience I’ve had in 5 years. You only saw kids acting happy because they are oblivious to crowds, parking hassles (the front of my driveway isn’t a space Mr. New Yorker in the red BMW 3 Series), and are too young to understand what two Situation wannabes who set up their chairs 3 feet away from you are talking about. Kids just think they really like cats.

June 3, 2010 at 6:54 PM

Nice podclack, can’t wait for tomorrow for the other half! :)

June 5, 2010 at 1:42 PM

Nice job, Kona! Very funny! You might be on to something with the wine pre-gaming…although it’s likely Jay and I would end up screaming and sobbing over which one of us had more unrequited love episodes in high school. Looking forward to your next podclack!

June 5, 2010 at 3:40 PM

I had more unrequited love. You had boobs. People with boobs (unless they’re manboobs – which, incidentally, I had pretty good in college for a few years there) always have at least a couple people interested in them. I had zero interest!

There, I win no win required.

Though i do have to say, the idea of an all drunk show is vaguely appealing to me….

June 7, 2010 at 8:51 PM

Yeah, I definitely had a little wine beforehand, so I was definitely dreading listening to my segment. Fact: I was also asleep about 20 minutes before I went on. I woke up, saw the text from Jay and Skyped in. I’m what you would call a professional.

June 5, 2010 at 4:01 PM

Jay, thanks for spoiling the end of LOST for me. I had never watched the show, had never intended to watch it in the future, but could be incapacitated on my deathbed and be unable to change the channel when A&E decides to air the entire series back to back. Sir, you have ruined my hypothetical enjoyment of this crappy show.

(My friend is a LOST nerd and is six episodes behind. I have no idea how he has avoided hearing about the finale.)

Good to hear Kona on the PodClack, and agree with her that, merely from listening to you rant, I thought you were about ten to twenty years older than you appear in the picture on your website. Though I have to disagree in that WALL•E is one of my favorite films.

Love the long format.

June 5, 2010 at 8:37 PM

Everybody thinks I’m old! It’s one of two things: I’m wise beyond my years or, as I’ve often theorized, I’m dead inside. At least that means when I actually do die, it won’t be that big a thing.

(And I enjoyed Wall E – I just thought that we were declaring a happy ending a bit prematurely. Surely there was at least one person like me on that ship who wasn’t all that keen on forced farm labor!)

I’m glad you guys are enjoying the long format. As the summer rolls on, I’ll be looking to do more of these mega-clacks with multiple episodes. Depends really on whether Christy T is willing to hoof it over to my house a few times a week – hard to do when she’s jetsetting all over the country with her many modeling contracts!

June 8, 2010 at 1:37 AM

Oh, the humans? Yeah, I suppose it’s okay that their soft fleshy bodies weren’t pulped into gooey puddles by the ship’s hyperjump and atmospheric reentry. But I was watching for the adorable robot love story, as well as their misfit robot friends. C’mon, the boy robot loved showtunes, and the girl robot was needlessly violent!

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