CliqueClack TV

24 vs Lost – Is it possible to like both?


Lately, I’ve been looking forward to some of the shows that are going to be returning in the next few months. Of course, I can’t wait for the final season of Lost to start, but I’m also excited about the return of Damages and Breaking Bad. One show that’s not really on my radar is 24. I know it’s hugely popular, and I watched a good chunk of the first season, but I just couldn’t get into it.

As I’ve spoken with people over the past few years I’ve noticed something. It seems like there are very few people who are fans of both Lost and 24.

I suppose it makes sense, because the two shows are pretty much polar opposites. Lost is the ultimate slow burn, with a long, twisting story that has slowly (slowly, slowly) unraveled over the course of six seasons. 24, on the other hand is a non-stop thrill ride. Honestly, there is something to be said for each of these models, and the popularity and longevity of each show is testament to that.

The question becomes, can you be fans of both? It seems simple: of course you can. Both shows are high quality, critically acclaimed shows, often pulling down award nominations and wins. The only trick is that I know very few people who are passionate about both shows. In fact, I don’t think I know any. Now, I’m sure I could pick any two shows and make this same argument, but Lost and 24 are a natural fit because they are so different.

So, which show do you like?

Photo Credit: ABC

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10 Responses to “24 vs Lost – Is it possible to like both?”

December 22, 2009 at 10:10 AM

I love both shows. It’s the exact reason that they are polar opposites that attracts me. I love the high energy, adrenaline of 24 and the reckless pace at which we blow through earth shattering events. But there really isn’t much thinking involved with the show. For that I turn to Lost. I’ve enjoyed the gradual build up, with the hidden clues and cryptic dialogue. It’s something to enjoy with friends, throw around ideas and constantly be surprised by the reveals.

But I do agree in one respect to the idea that these shows don’t work together. I think that is evidenced in Flash Forward. It has tried to take the best of both 24 and Lost into the same show and the result is a bloody mess of broken storylines, unlikeable characters, childish dialogue and unsatisfying reveals. I think both concepts work great….just not rolled into one show.

December 22, 2009 at 11:30 AM

Maybe it was dissatisfaction with how Alias had progressed, but I was never interested in watching Lost, even though it’s filmed in my back yard. Watched a random Season 1 episode which didn’t suck me in; nor did the season recaps I watched. I didn’t even realize it was sci-fi until years later.

I didn’t intend to follow 24 either, but in this case accidentally seeing a mid-Season 1 episode kept me glued to the show for the rest of its run.

I usually love a good slow burn, but have found that there’s something about JJ Abrams shows that simply annoys me. It was the same with Fringe and his movies.

December 22, 2009 at 1:44 PM

JJ Abrams really has very little to do with Lost. Yes, he is listed as a creator, but he left to work on movies soon after it’s inception. Cartlon Cuse and Damon Lindelof are the real minds behind the show.

December 22, 2009 at 11:33 AM

I’m a big fan of both shows. :-) Lost and 24 have one thing in common – at the end of each episode, you are dying to know what happens next.

December 22, 2009 at 12:28 PM

Even though you say the shows are polar opposites, both shows are telling a “long term” story that requires you to watch episode to episode, and like Ruby said you want to know what’s going to happen the next week. If 24 was like CSI or L&O, telling a self-contained story each episode (with the occasional multi-episode arc or crossover), then there really would be a difference between the shows. Regardless that 24 tells a season-long story and Lost is telling a 6 year long story, they’re both shows that really require the viewer to watch episode to episode. I love the intricacies of Lost’s storytelling, but I also like to hang on to the speeding bullet story of 24. And I like sitcoms too.

December 22, 2009 at 3:24 PM

I definitely watch both, but 24 got repetitive once it got to 25-48 (season two; clever, right?). I’m not sure I’d notice if it was missing (I definitely didn’t the year it was). But Lost, on the other hand? When that goes….

December 27, 2009 at 11:08 AM

I think that you will find that people who like TV enough to read blogs about TV shows will by-and-large like both. Both shows demonstrate fantastic story telling abilities. The fact that that they are told at a different pace doesn’t take away from the ultimate “edge of your seat” television that doles out just enough twists and adventure to keep us coming back for more week after week.

In my experience, LOST crosses gender lines – that is, both my male and female friends seem to like it. However my parents and older relatives do not.

24 seems to be more violent and testosterone driven and most of my female friends are not fans. My parents love it.

So perhaps there is a demographic thing going on here as well.

January 3, 2010 at 5:41 PM

I love both shows. Almost equally, in fact.

While they’re both totally different, they both thrive on their more emotional moments. 24 and LOST have both had some of the most incredible death scenes in television that I’ve ever seen.

They’re both excellent.

April 13, 2010 at 5:16 PM

I dont watch 24 but from what ive heard it’s a show that is very repetitive and doesnt require you to think. on the other hand, Lost is a show that requires you to think. Lost is amazing

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