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mark valley


Celebrity crushes – CliqueClack Roundtable

Who’s your celebrity crush and why? Is it their looks, their talent or both? The CliqueClack gang discusses our favorite actors. Join us, won’t you?

by An Nicholson

Poll: Favorite unlucky actor

Who’s your favorite actor who can’t catch a break? They’re wildly talented but their shows keep getting canceled or their characters killed! My money’s on Mark Valley, Tracie Thoms and Judy Greer; what about you?

by An Nicholson

Curb the Character Cancellation – Poll

The end of the regular television season is almost here, which means it is also time to find out if your favorite show will return in the fall. What character would you miss the most from your favorite borderline show? Vote for your favorite in CliqueClack’s Curb the Character Cancellation Poll!

by Carla Day

Human Target – Why I’ll watch season three

The upfronts are coming (FOX’s will be May 16) and the jury’s still out on whether or not ‘Human Target’ will see a season three. It could really go either way. But if it’s back, I’m watching, and here’s why.

by Debbie McDuffee

Human Target takes an estrogen bath

All season long, we’ve been wondering what the addition of two females to our beloved trip team would do to ‘Human Target.’ While some of it has been enjoyable, I think we finally have our answer: Chance is clearly producing his own estrogen.

by Debbie McDuffee

Human Target has worse problems than continuity issues

On Monday night, I though ‘Human Target’ had continuity issues. Perhaps they did, but it’s much worse that that. They may not have quite jumped the shark tonight, but they definitely leapt over the sardine … the stinky, stinky sardine.

by Debbie McDuffee

Human Target can’t get good and then screw with continuity … that’s just wrong

Am I just one of the sheep now, because I’ve actually grown to like the ‘Human Target’ reboot? Nah, because as much as I enjoyed tonight’s episode, I do have one huge nitpick … and I mean enormous.

by Debbie McDuffee
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