CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Face tattoos will never not be hilarious


(Season 1, Episode 2)

Diversity! That’s a thing, right? While I’m enjoying the Eastern/Western cultural fusion … Where are all the Asian people? I just read that Kaylee was originally written as an Asian character but obviously that has changed. There were some Asian extras wandering around in the dust in the Pilot and, you know, that’s about it. I’m not desperate for some Asian representation in all television shows, but it’s just strange to see a program with strong Chinese/American influences in everything but the main cast.

“The Train Job”

So the Serenity gang finds some new work stealing things for an old guy with a somewhat inherently sinister accent. Said old guy is kind of crazy and has a big boy with a face tattoo under his employ. I’m sure the face tattoo was meant to be intimidating and danger-sexy, but those things just make me laugh. I mean, really, if I ever go into stand-up, I will certainly get a face tattoo; it’s arguably even more important than a Paula Poundstone jacket.

I love that they managed to incorporate train robbery into this world. How very cowboy of them! Unfortunately, the thrills stopped just short of fantastic. I’m still trying to figure out what this show is going for, but I guess two episodes isn’t quite enough time to really get a feel for that.

As of right now, the big highlight is the cast. Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk are big stand-outs (my favorite quote of the episode: Wash’s “Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?”). I’m still not quite sure why Summer Glau has such a massive fanbase, as I currently find her — or maybe just River — a little annoying. I’m sure she’ll grow on me eventually, so I’ll play nice and be patient. Plus, it looks like River will find herself in a wee bit of a trouble soon.

Photo Credit: FOX

4 Responses to “Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Face tattoos will never not be hilarious”

June 5, 2009 at 7:07 PM

I’ve always wondered why none of the characters in Firefly were Chinese, but now it makes sense based on what you said there. They planned too (with Kaylee) but then when they auditioned Jewel they rightly realized how perfect she was for that role.

Previously I thought this question was something they would explain in further episodes, but never had a chance to.

June 5, 2009 at 7:20 PM

I don’t think Summer will grow on you. She still doesn’t interest me, even after T:TSCC. She’s just bland and basically a good looking girl, nothing more. I feel as if I’m looking at a 12 year old girl every time she’s on somewhere (especially on The Big Ban Theory). Maybe that’s her appeal to guys, who knows.

Jewel Staite on the other hand… she really manages to get across that she’s more than just good-looking. It’s kinda cute how she and dhewlett twittered back and forth the last couple of days…

June 7, 2009 at 2:21 AM

Well, I love Summer Glau because she plays quirky/different/strange/insane very well and she has the moves to convincingly play kick-ass. She’s attractive, but I don’t think she’s “all that” to look at. I prefer Jewel Staite. Not that I get to pick one!

June 7, 2009 at 12:57 PM

Don’t forget, Annie, that “The Train Job” was an episode forced by the studio to be a replacement pilot after Fox rejected the two-hour one you saw. Thus, it’s an awkward reintroduction to the world that feels more than a little bizarre if you’re watching the Whedon-approved DVD set.

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