CliqueClack TV

Lost Girl – Dyson gets some backstory

In which Dyson gets some flashback-style backstory, telling us stuff we already knew. Also, in which we meet a lady from Dyson's past, as well as the deadliest little old lady on the planet.

- Season 2, Episode 5 - "BrotherFae of the Wolves"

Dyson’s past is the focus as he reunites with a member of his original pack on this week’s Lost Girl. On a show with so many very old characters, you’d think flashbacks would have happened already, but maybe that is something they are ready to explore now. (Come on, you know you want a Trick flashback). This episode, while entertaining enough and weirdly kind of packed with plot, was a bit slow-paced. I couldn’t really see the point of the flashbacks until the end. Of course, there is a tragic past lovestory involving his best wolf’s girl. I thought Bo was his mate-for-life love? Maybe since he didn’t mate with Ciara, it didn’t count. Seeing him bond with Cayden was  kind of fun, until it all went to hell, since Dyson is usually so reserved, especially lately.

We also find out  more about Dyson’s past with the Norn. It gives us an idea of how strongly he felt about Bo, at any rate. Even though the show is moving on, I can appreciate that context even if it is a bit late. The past scenes shows his devotion to Bo as well as his “lone wolf” tendencies. But the problem is that we already knew all that, so I guess the flashbacks are a way to justify the new insta-love interest. They also seem to set up a new love triangle or quadrangle (if we count Lauren) by bringing in Ciara and reminding us of his sacrifice for Bo, but I thought the point of the Norn thing was that all hope between Dyson and Bo was dead. However, now Bo has someone to be jealous of — yay. Does everyone love this Ciara chick? I hope she’s not a Faeie Sue.

On to the case of the week: “Mongolian death worm chased by criminal fae” sounds far-fetched even for this show. “Mongolian death worm” sounds like a deadly tequila ingredient. The Velma reveal is priceless, though. As Hale puts it, it’s “brilliant packaging” for a fae WMD. Controlling her with the TV is pretty clever, but I knew she’d watch “stories” even before we were told. All in all, though she was fun, there wasn’t much suspense to this story. It seemed clear that the oppressed Velma, who was treated like an object rather than a fae/person, would turn on her captors.

We get a bit more insight into Lauren’s situation when the Ash wants to lock her up and she escapes. Waiting for the other shoe to drop with that one.

Notes and Quotes:

  • The wolves in the Scottish woods flashbacks kind of look and sound like Wolf Braveheart to me. “I canna let you go!” Just slap some blue paint on them.
  • Kenzi, upon realizing that Dyson has the power to identify blood by smell: “This just in: you’re a policeman, who is also his own police dog!”
  • Kenzi on male bonding: “Celebrating  bestie’s physical triumph is like a girlie squeal over a 70% off sale at a shoe store. Or in your case the anything-you-can-unsheathe store.” But why does Bo suddenly need men explained to her?
  • Kenzi on hearing Dyson’s backstory with its homoerotic overtones: “What happens in the pack stays in the pack, I can feel it.”
  • Cayden, when Bo is concerned about hurting him, succubus-style: “I’m a big bad wolf.” I applaud the return of sexy fun times to the show.
  • Kenzi, on Lauren’s totally nerdy sciency explanation of cupcakes: “Wow, she just took the fun out of yummy.”
  • Bo: “Cayden took Velma. Turns out he was nothing  but a wolf in wolf’s clothing.”
  • Clearly the Lost Girl writers agree that “Cumberbatch” is an awesome name.
  • I thought the show was done shoving “fae” puns into episode titles. I guess I was wrong.


Photo Credit: Syfy

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