CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Methinks Unpleasantville may be Incestville

- Season 1, Episode 12 - "Unpleasantville"

“You know I can start fires with my mind. Fires kill vampires, right?” – Bonnie to Damon

I’m still not sure why last week’s episode just didn’t do it for me, but I no longer care because I loved “Unpleasantville.” Last’s week’s predictable secrets are out of my brain and tonight I kept getting surprise after surprise. I’m now convinced that The Vampire Diaries takes place in Incestville, since everyone is now related in some form or another, but other than that, big fun.

It is official: Elena kicks ass. I saw far more Buffy than Bella tonight and since she liked trying slayer on for size, I’m thinking it will stick: “I fought back tonight. And it felt good.” It still remains to be seen whether or not Elena can fill the Buffy void, but pencils and broom handles are a good start.

So Elena’s stalker only wanted to play because she looks like Katherine, but the dude wasn’t working alone, and his buds are some very well-placed characters. I admit that I only suspected Anna a split second or two before we found out, but now that I look back it makes perfect sense. Home-schooled, goes to the library at night, all a perfect cover. Sadly, she’s not the slayer I had her pegged for but it should still make for a fun story line. I wonder why she didn’t just glamour Jeremy into giving her the journal in the first place though? She got on Noah for his obsession but it seems like she missed several opportunities of her own.

Bonnie’s got a crush on the town’s most famous washed-up … vamp. Uh-oh. Something tells me she’ll be starting that fire with her mind sooner than later….

The brotherly chats between Stefan and Damon have gotten slightly less angsty, and I attribute that to the fact that Damon has turned into Stefan’s little bitch. Damon’s so obsessed with Katherine that he’s falling for Stefan’s lies, and Stefan has become cocky. The tables have turned, and I’m wondering if Stefan’s on a slippery slope and Damon’s on his way to becoming the sympathetic character. I’m not sure how they will redeem him, but it will be fun to watch it unfold.

What’s up with Alaric? His dead wife is Elena’s mother — really? So is he Elena’s father? My guess is no, that Isabelle’s pregnancy occurred long before Alaric was her husband, but anything can happen in Incestville. I have a question — do we know whether or not Alaric is a vampire? When they debuted his character, I thought for sure he was, he even has a ring. But now I’m confused, and if The Vampire Diaries is confusing me, I’m staying far away from Lost when it premieres next month….

One last thing: the theme dance isn’t cool, it’s just lame. They could have used it for good, not evil, but it was not to be so. It had a Kyle XY vibe (thank you, Julie Plec) but I was hoping for a Buffy vibe. No theme dance episode can hold a candle to the awesomeness of “I Only Have Eyes For You,” from season two. Remember how the ghosts of the dead couple possessed Buffy and Angelus and Buffy got to feel what it was like to be loved by Angel again, if only for a brief and painful moment? Now that’s how to do a theme dance show, people.

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

4 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Methinks Unpleasantville may be Incestville”

January 28, 2010 at 11:59 PM

I thought of you tonight when Elena was kicking ass. She doesn’t have a Giles to show her the ropes and tell her who she is (she’s counting on the vamps for craps sake), but she is NOT going down easy. I like that about her. And she’s not a typical cheerleading blonde, so she already has a leg up.

I admit I just read the Vampire Diaries Wiki to find out more about Alaric, and I think his future will be bright.

Seriously – its freaking ridiculous how much I enjoy this show. I really enjoyed Caroline and Matt, and I think they will be end up being far more than I imagined for them.

All in all, very good plotting – keeps you guessing and that’s a hell of a lot more than can be said for other network shows!

January 29, 2010 at 9:14 AM

I know, I never expected to like it as much as I do. Keith barely pays attention and I’m next to him on the couch doing little happy dances and OMGs… it’s all very embarrassing but this show is just plain fun!

I forgot to mention that I like Caroline and Matt too, and they are more of a power couple than Stefan and Elena, really. S and E have more to do than just be in love, but Matt and Corline have that advantage so they may end up playing the foil for the angst that will be E and S.

January 30, 2010 at 7:05 AM

I doubt Alaric is a vampire.

About two episodes ago it had him looking through his car in the middle of the day in broad day light with no ring, (this is when Jeremy approached him) so cleary he found the ring elsewhere probably hunting another sexy vamp.

Try and find the episode online. xx Jo

January 30, 2010 at 9:13 AM

I know the scene you’re talking about, and I questioned it a little bit then. However, he was in the protected car the entire time and didn’t even pop his head out until he had the ring. If it was just something he found hunting, he wouldn’t have gotten so bent out of shape b/c he lost it, right?

Now, here’s a theory — he’s not a vamp, and the ring is somehow Katherine’s, b/c we now know that his wife Isabelle was a descendant.

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