CliqueClack TV

Harper’s Island – It’s all about the timeline


Like last week, Deb and I will continue our point/counterpoint format about Harper’s Island, discussing who the possible killer (or killers) are, and why the other person’s theory is completely wrong or so right. However, instead of us taking turns on who starts each week, we decided we’d keep it the way it is, with me going first. It doesn’t matter anyway, because we all know I’m right.


As the title of this post points out, determining who the killer is is all about the perceived timeline. For example, we saw Trish and Henry together, then we cut to the priest in the woods getting his head lopped off. If it was immediately following that scene, then we can eliminate those two as suspects. However, if you looked at the Harper’s Island map…


…you’ll note that the church is pretty close to the inn. So it’s not out of the ordinary that Henry (let’s eliminate Trish from the equation) could make a stopover to do the poor old fella in. For sanity’s sake, though, I’m going to assume that the times we’re seeing are rather close together, meaning we can eliminate a whole slew of people as suspects. Think of the people at the beach party (the text from “Uncle Marty”) and the priest killing (we saw at least the turquoise team all together, immediately following), the group out to save Cal, and the Sheriff at the hanging scene.

By my estimation, if we’re assuming it’s one killer involved, it’s someone listed on CBS’s site and it’s not John Wakefield back from the dead, the following people are suspects: Hunter, J.D., Jimmy, Katherine, Madison (though unlikely), Maggie, Nikki, Shea, Shane and Tom Wellington.

One last clue for you: take a look at the matchbox the killer used. Seems to read “The Candlewick Inn”:

Harper's Island Matchbook

I’ll really be pissed if it’s some unknown person or John Wakefield back from the dead.


Holy death toll, Batman! I really didn’t expect to see three people offed tonight, but we’re down one priest (methinks the killer may be trying to sabotage the wedding), one socialite (who will care for the rat … I mean dog?) and one local (whose death is going to get J.D. into some serious trouble).

Keith may be right about some things, but we also have to remember this is only the second episode, and I can’t imagine that the writers are going to eliminate so many suspects based on a pesky timeline. They’ll work around that little detail.

I don’t think the Candlewick Inn matchbox necessarily rules out any locals from being the killer; they could get the matchbox quite easily, so I’m not falling for that red herring. I do think, though, that we need to start looking at the victims and why they are murdered. I’m thinking there may not be a whole lot of random carnage going on here.

Cousin Ben and Uncle Marty are a mystery to me for now, though I’ve got to admit Marty was a bit suspicious, what with his firearms and load of cash. There’s a reason, oh yes, there’s a secret, conspiratorial reason for his senseless and gruesome death. The priest I’ve mentioned, and let’s be honest: Lucy is the expendable blonde girl from every horror movie ever made, so there’s probably not a whole lot more there.

I’m thinking Kelly’s death is any number of things. First, she died in the very same way as Abby’s mother, so the killer seems to be trying to send Abby a message with the hanging. But what? Could the killer know Abby befriended Kelly and they were soon-to-be roomies? Or, could Kelly be killed by a different murderer? So far, she’s the only victim who’s been discovered, and something tells me there’s a reason for that.

That leads me to another thing I noticed about possible suspects. At the beginning of the episode, Henry was trying to get J.D. to be on his best behavior, and J.D. said something about Henry’s “twisted need to be liked by everyone.” So I researched serial killer profiles on the extremely reliable web and found that, in fact, that is a serial killer “thing”: they appear charming and well-liked by everyone, Ted Bundy style. So with that fact taken into account, I stand by my statement last week that it’s not J.D., even though he’s got no alibi and now incriminating bodily fluids with one of the victims. That’s not going to work out well for him.

But back to the charming thing … Henry is still looking like a suspect to me, timeline be damned. Even if that red herring wasn’t referring to Henry, there are still a number of suspects it does apply to, like Jimmy and the dad, my next two faves for the perp.

And now, I shall end my long-winded musings with one final thought: since most horror flicks end with a love connection which follows a misguided trust in the killer problem, I’m thinking we’re going to have either Henry or Jimmy be the killer, and the other be Abby’s love interest, who saves her from the bad seed, the killer who fooled her all along. Man, my money’s still on Henry, the recipient of the mysterious text message from the not-so-fortunate Uncle Marty.

What do you think? Are you forming any theories?

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

23 Responses to “Harper’s Island – It’s all about the timeline”

April 17, 2009 at 1:46 PM

Kelly died in the same way her mother did as well … both Abby and Kelly’s moms were killed by Wakefield

April 17, 2009 at 1:47 PM

we can eliminate the brit … he was hanging upside down in the snare when the blond got BBQd as well as when Kelly got hung

April 17, 2009 at 1:53 PM

Yeah that’s Cal, and I don’t list him as a possible suspect because of that.

I agree with Deb that Henry sure seems very guilty-looking, but I’d probably be disappointed how they explain how he got to certain locations so quickly after just seeing him at the Inn.

Hmm … actually, I had a thought. They talked about and showed the existence of sinkholes all over the island. Could it be that there are underground tunnels all leading to the Inn and to the various locations of the killings? That could help explain Henry’s quick travels.

April 17, 2009 at 7:21 PM

I thought I could eliminate Cal the brit and the folks who saved him because it was cutting back and forth between them and blondie getting burned to death. Then i thought what if the writers are playing around with the sequence of events like in a QT movie. Cal could have set himself up with an alibi “no mate i couldn’t have been killing anyone, I was hanging upside down all day” He got out of the snare, he got back into the snare, Or him or any of his rescuers (Cloe and company), could have went back into the inn with the group, and came out later on solo to burn her alive. You don’t really know if the writers are playing around with the time line, or how long it takes to get from here to there for a character. it also stands to reason whoever the killer is, is going to get caught or almost get caught in a trap to throw off his victims. If no one is messing with the temporal order mark off Cal and all his rescuers from the suspect list along with the dead bodies of course.

April 20, 2009 at 10:17 AM

It’s going to be one of the good guys, Jimmy or Henry. A third possibility is Abby herself — but that would be a daring twist that might piss people off. Henry seems a little more obvious than Jimmy, so I pick Jimmy.

I think his motive is revenge against Abby and Henry. He seems to feel as though Abby abandoned him. He might also secretly feel resentment towards Henry because he was Abby’s best friend — there seems to be tension in their scenes together under the casual politeness.

April 20, 2009 at 4:30 PM

The killers still are Henry and Abby (at least in my theory). But it would be a nice little twist, if they work independently of each other, without knowing that the other one is on a killing spree too.

The deer head was put in the bathtub by JD btw…

May 20, 2009 at 8:52 PM

Check out for a parallel story and additional insight into the killer!

May 23, 2009 at 1:09 AM

I think it’s Abby. She’s still wigged out about the Wakefield murders, a little to spooky kind of wigged out. Second guess would be Jimmy. He’s a bit resentful that Abby left and never kept in touch.

May 23, 2009 at 7:19 PM

Jon Turtletaub said himself that Abby is the “good girl” character, and she is not the killer. That would be too obvious. He said that in a news release when making statements for the show before it even aired. It definitely has everything to do with Abby coming back to the’s triggered something…my guess is Jimmy. He would have motives. He would also have easy acess, time, and the knowledge to use all of these fishing weapons people are dying by. Why burn Lucy alive? That one still baffles me. That’s why I love the everyone is a suspect theory! I believe they will all be guilty in the end, or well, most of them! I’ve thought that since the beginning, and I think it makes the most sense! Idle hands are never a good thing for too long… :)

May 23, 2009 at 7:22 PM



May 23, 2009 at 7:27 PM

I love the idea that Marty killed Ben for the money, Wellington killed Marty, Henry killed Hunter, It is still up in the air to me who killed Lucy, Richard killed Wellington, and either Trish or Richard’s own wife kills him, Shane killed Kelly and then taunted the sheriff with the “come find me” note (because SHane is crazy like that). That would also make sense with the red ink because he is a tattoo artist. We havent seen any other bodies that have been found in such a way. Malcolm killed Booth obviously for the money.

May 23, 2009 at 7:30 PM

Trish or Shea killed Richard I mean..

May 24, 2009 at 12:25 PM

I’m thinking it could be Cal.
1. He doesn’t know anyone one there & he’s wimpy so he’s the least suspected.
2. When he got trapped, he never died.
3. He could relate to the whole “love theory” with his Chloe.
4. In the first episode he showed a violent side by almost “drowning” Chloe.
5. He knows about boats (sailing with Chloe)
6. Even though he seems responsible he missed the wedding rehearsal (b/c he was sailing with Chloe)
7. Chloe sure does have a weird interest in the Wakefield murders.

May 25, 2009 at 4:00 AM

I’m really hoping it doesn’t turn out to be one of those shows where the main character (Abby) is the real killer, but it’s not her fault cos she has split personality. That would really make me hate the show.

May 31, 2009 at 12:36 AM

I think it is Shea and Sully they are working together.

1. Get rid of dear old dad
2. Hubby must go too.
3. Sister is next to nut case
4. Step mom soon to be axed off
5. Daughter is off the deep end

It only makes sence

Shea has always been in the shadows her husband was a creep
her daughter said she saw something that brought some real attention to mom in the 2nd show. Sully hates Henry it only makes sense. Watch for the clues????

May 31, 2009 at 12:52 AM

To add a little something to make you think??

It has to be Shea. The question who is she working with???

I think it is Sully, and my second guess is Jimmy. He has nothing why not get involved with a rich girl her husband is having an affair with step mom Shea is looking for her own love interest. With her father out of the picture by Jimmy’s hands, and her sister Tish driven nuts, her daughter Madison is already there.Lets do away with step mom.A clear path to the family money is this not the way it always goes as for the other’s killed keep suspision away form themselves and for others in the wrong place at the wrong time. Take a good look at Shea she looks like a killer.

June 7, 2009 at 12:13 AM

my guess is the innkeeper, she is strong, appears just enough to be known and is old enough to have a twisted history with john wakefield

June 7, 2009 at 2:03 PM

The killers are–in scream fashion–Jimmy Mance and his side kick Shane Pierce. They know the island inside and out. We saw them shooting arrows–which were used on some of the victims–they cut fish so know how to dissect–and we’ve seen them working with lots of rope and knots–and we know they know a lot about boats. I’m thinking that there is a combo that made Jimmy snap: losing the girl and then the girl coming back for a wedding (a wedding that should have been theirs) and we know that Shane hates J.D. so pinning it on him is part of the fun. Another part to the killings is that I suspect is that Jimmy and Shane hate the Wellington family the upper crust who looked down at the people who make the island run.

I swear, this reminds me so much of scream it’s insane.

June 7, 2009 at 3:25 PM

I think Henry and Trish are killers (they are working together). I want to know why they choose that island to get marry when you know that island of serious killings in the past. Why would anybody would get marry there? the next persons are going to die are Trish stepmom and her sister in different eposide so that Trish and henry can get riches. I think Trish is jealous of Abby or if I’m wrong then it is the Trish sister then.

Maybe she feel like a outcast in the family and she know about the affair but she is lying. She could kidnay her own daughter.

It’s either Trish and Henry dual or Trish and her sister dual.

June 15, 2009 at 7:54 PM

after saturdays episode im leaning to jimmy, cal, and maybe possible henry…. Altho me and my brother both think its not him… But seeing the suspicous cuts on his arm and the fact that JD was slashed up(as sully said) im not so sure. Cal’s a good suspect tho because episode before this one he got everyone to stay why/ and madison whats up with her.. it clearly isnt the sherif he kinda almost had his balls stabbed 1 and two he been investigating wakefeild copy murders obviously to protect Abbey he must know about the other kid…. this is my theory i cant wait for the new episodes

June 17, 2009 at 12:05 AM

My guess is that Abby is NOT John Wakefield’s daughter, as insinuated in the last episode that aired. I think that either:
A. Henry is John Wakefield’s son and he is majorly pissed at Abby. Their mom gave HIM away, but not her. This would explain how and why he would/could kill Uncle Marty and JD; they weren’t blood related….and I bet good ole Uncle Marty knew the secret and was going to pay someone off to keep it quiet.

B. It is Booth. He faked his own death (it looked lame in any event) and is Wakefield’s son back for revenge.

I do not believe that Abby is related to Wakefield.

June 29, 2009 at 11:36 PM

I think that Jimmy is the killer from the start, but henry is a little too innocent for me. When his brother JD got stabbed how did he get blood on him when abbey was the only one who rushed to him when she saw him getting stabbed.

I think either Jimmy or Henry is the killer along with Wakefield Jones. I would not be surprised if it is 3 killers.

July 5, 2009 at 10:48 PM

I believe Henry is Wakefield’s son, but Jimmy is the second killer. According to what we are led to believe is Wakefield’s prison journal, he mentions another inmate who stabbed a man in the back who was “reaching” for Wakefield and then handed the knife to Wakefield to finish him off. If Jimmy did time in jail or prison, as we have been led to believe, he and Wakefield may have come into contact and Wakefield may have shared his side of the story. The full timeline suggests that Henry was born around 1981 and about two years later Wakefield began his life sentence for an “exaggerated” charge for a physical confrontation that happened on Harper’s Island in the early 1980s, but was let out after 17 years for “good behavior.”

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